Monday, August 16, 2010

Again with the name thing

I wrote a while back about my name and how I love its uniqueness. Now that I am married people have started to ask when I will be changing my name. Let's just say, I am in no hurry. I have an airline ticket 5 months from now, with my new name on it, but I am not going to do any of this quickly, mostly because:
  1. It exposes me to the underbelly of government bureaucracy (aka: the RMV and Social Security office)
  2. I don't have time to get batteries replaced in my three dead wrist watches, what makes you think I have time to spend at any of these lovely government facilities, and
  3. I have had my current name for over 30 years. To change overnight seems a bit unfair to a lot of hard work over those 30 years to build a reputation tied to a brand that is me, and I have/had a name...
To my wonderful husband, do not fret, it will happen. And I really appreciate you not being part of the peanut gallery reminding me to change my voicemail, email address, facebook name, twitter ID, the list goes on...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Getting used to this Wife thing

This weekend we ran our 3rd Beach to Beacon 10k. This beautiful 10k takes place in Cape Elizabeth, the same town that we were engaged, and we got up almost as early this Saturday morning as we did that fateful day in February. Luckily, the weather is better in August than it is in February. ;-)

At the race we ran into some friends that live in Portland and I was introduced as a wife for maybe the 3rd time in my life. It still makes me smile and kinda giggle to get used to it. It still shocks Shane I think too. I hope that years from now it still makes me smile.

P.S. We ran about 2 minutes slower than last year, but that's to be expected since we started training on Monday with a 2 mile run...