Then in 2003, we both found ourselves living back in the Creek and aching to get to the city. She had already started her MBA program and I was going to start mine in the next few months. We decided it was as good a time as any to get up and out of the East Bay and make the move to the big city. I dragged her along to DOZENS of open houses over multiple weekends. She liked to call me Monica, I called her Phoebe... For those of you that know me, Monica is not that far off.
We found this great little place on Bay street, right in our price range, which was low, given the fact we were just two years out of college and paying for grad school. But man did we have a good time. I remember one January, we both had the month off school. And I swear we went out more, and had more parties that month than we ever did in undergrad! We took one "spring break" and went to Cabo... Disastrous! I don't know what we were thinking pretending to be 19, when we were the ripe age of 24. HA! Lexa was by my side when I found out my best friend passed away, and couldn't have been a more supportive friend and roommate.
We have stayed close, even though the crazy upstairs neighbors drove me from the apt on Bay Street. And she met Brian near the end of our lease. Brian and Lexa have one of those relationships that everyone is jealous of. They are a really fun couple, they know how to have a good time, and spend a lot of time laughing at themselves and with others.
Now, to the wedding. This wedding was RIDICULOUS!!! I have never seen such an affair. They had EVERYTHING: oysters for ourdourves, a live band, a beautiul venue, a full bar and good friends. I think, thanks to Lexa's Mom (who is a kindred Monica). It was a beautiful wedding, but I think what made it most beautiful was Alexa and Brian, who know how to have a good time and host a great party. It was super fun to see a bunch of people from SMC that I hadn't seen in quite a few years. And like many friendships formed those first few years of parental freedom, they seem to just pick right back up where you left off.